Day 2- Session G- 11:00-12:00 PM

  Computer Lab 1- Room 209

Presenter: Tim Gwynn & Joyce Camp

Title: Twitter in Elementary & Middle School (Hands-On!)

Suggested Audience: Elementary and Middle School teachers

Elementary Content Area: All

Middle/ High Content Area: All

Description: A great follow-up to Wendy Tomberlin's "Twitter for Teachers" session. Now that you have heard about Twitter and seen it in action, it's time to take on microblogging for yourself.  We will sign up for an account, go over the features of the site, and look at many third party apps. We will also explore ideas for using it in the Elementary and Middle School Classroom.  Be the hippest teacher at school!

Computer Lab 2- Room 207

Presenter:  Bender

Title:  Airliners

Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:  Math
 Description:  Reserving now as she needs a lab.  description coming soon

Media Center

Presenter: Julie Lachance & Denise Yates

Title: Google Documents

Suggested Audience: All

Elementary Content Area: All

Middle/ High Content Area: All

Description: Learn how to use Google's free online collaborative document program, Google Docs.  This program provides learners with an online environment they can use to create word processing documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and surveys.  We will explore how teachers can use these tools in many different ways.

Room 232

Presenter: Jeff Goodnight

Title: MS Office For Secretaries

Suggested Audience: Any Staff or ALL

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:

Description: Using MS Office to make the life of Financial Secretaries and School Secretaries easier. Making graphs, mail merges, making labels, and using Excel to make your life easier.

Room 601



Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:



Room 602



Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:


Room 603

Presenter: Robin Hadden

Title: Using Prescriptive Instruction with an Interactive Whiteboard: Whole Class Instruction

Suggested Audience: Elementary

Elementary Content Area: Reading and Math

Middle/ High Content Area:

Description: Prescriptive Instruction is a web-based K-5th grade Reading and Math remediation/intervention learning system. It can be utilized not only by individual students needing automated differentiated instruction, but by teachers to offer whole class instruction.  Join us as we view lessons and strategies for getting the most out of this powerful program for ALL the students in your classroom by linking two technologies: the interactive whiteboard and web-based instruction. The new Algebra content available this FALL will also be highlighted.


Room 604



Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:



Room 605



Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:


Room 606



Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:


Room 608

Presenter:  Mike Trump

Title:  Get Sassy with SASinSchool!

Suggested Audience:  6-12

Elementary Content Area:  N/A

Middle/ High Content Area:  ALL

Description:  Come discover how SASinSchool, a FREE online resource site offering lesson plans and activities directly aligned to the NC Standards for all subjects, can be used to enhance ANY Middle / High School curriculum.  Topics will include user setup, navigation, exploring resources and flagging, assigning & working with lesson plans.  Session will end with a treasure hunt!

Room 701

Presenter: Craig Twaddle

Title: Uploading Video & Audio with Learn360

Suggested Audience: K-12 teachers

Elementary Content Area: All Subjects

Middle/ High Content Area: All Subjects

Description: Learn how to upload user-created video and audio files using the Learn360 website.

Room 705

Presenter: Shayla Rexrode

Title: SMART Notebook Lesson Activity Toolkit v.2

Suggested Audience: K-12 teachers and technology support staff

Elementary Content Area: Technology

Middle/ High Content Area: Technology

Description: Were you already in love with the Lesson Activity Toolkit v.1? If so, you are going to be blown away by the new games, activities, and resources available in v. 2 now available as a free download!


LAT 2.0 Updates.notebook

Educator Resources (3).doc

Cabarrus Co. Lesson Design(2).notebook

Room 707

Presenter: Michael Petersen and Lance Pfeifer

Title: Robotics Make Learning Fun

Suggested Audience: All

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:

Description: In this session you will see how Web 2.0 tools, Smartboards and Lego Mindstorms can make learning fun and exciting.

Room 710

Presenter: Bridget Johnson

Title: Upper Elementary SMART Math

Suggested Audience: 3rd-5th Grade Teachers

Elementary Content Area: Math

Middle/ High Content Area:

Description: Upper elementary teachers will learn ways to integrate SMART boards into math instruction.


Room 741



Suggested Audience:

Elementary Content Area:

Middle/ High Content Area:



Room 744

Presenter:  Mallory Caudle / Steve Johnson

Title:  Utilizing Technology to Enhance Foreign Language teaching

Suggested Audience:  Teachers with ESL students in classroom, ESL teachers, Foreign Language Teachers

Elementary Content Area:  Foreign Language / ESL

Middle/ High Content Area:  Foreign Language / ESL


If you are a foreign language teacher or simply a teacher with ESL students in your classroom, this session is for you.  Participants will have their hands on two pieces of software that can make an impact for your students:  the Spore creature creator and ePals.  Presenters will show how creating a creature can make learning new vocabulary a fun, interactive experience.  Through ePals, participants will be shown how to contact classrooms across the world that are eager to connect with your students.  Come join us for a fun, hands-on session that will help you connect with your students!


Room 745

Presenter: Beth Hamilton and Patti Johnstone

Title: Geocaching Integration

Suggested Audience: K-5

Elementary Content Area: All

Middle/ High Content Area:

Description: Participants will learn geocaching basics which include: searching for caches, setting up caches, and how geocaching can be integrated into any curriculum area.



Room 749

Presenter: Amy Jablonski

Title: PBS and Technology

Suggested Audience: Elementary

Elementary Content Area: 

Middle/ High Content Area:

Description: Learn ways to utilize technology to teach and reinforce behavior universals.